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Impactful Transformation 101: Turning Companies into Tech Powerhouses

May 15, 2024
People X Leadership Stage
Digital Transformation Technical

So many companies stand at the technology precipice. They have invested in technology to a certain point, but are unsure of how to move forward and reach their full potential. This session will be a roadmap for how to ignite positive, impactful tech change for any company.

Sharing real-world examples and best practices, Brooke will demonstrate how she helped two design companies rapidly transform themselves into technology powerhouses. She will illuminate paths forward for companies seeking similar transformation and why it matters. This session will encompass everything from solidifying tech infrastructure to building out new capabilities and more emergent tech solutions around Artificial Intelligence (AI). Brooke will also share looks at the tech solutions she and her teams are focused on for the future.

The Why: Technology has reshaped society. This means every company, regardless of its market, service, or mission, will need to be a technology company moving forward. This session identifies opportunities that organizations can seize. It shows how companies can embrace technology to empower meaningful business results. It is a session for every organization who wants to take control of their future.

Key Takeaways:

  • Lead conversations at their organizations about important technology shifts and solutions and why they matter for their organizations.
  • Take a more proactive approach to technology transformation at their organization, regardless of its market or size.
  • Embrace tech transformation as a roadmap toward business success and resilience into the future.
This session is for... you if you like technology, you love technology, or you fear technology but recognize its growing importance. Using incredible authenticity, Brooke demystifies technology leadership and empowers people at every stage of their career to begin activating change for themselves and their businesses.
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